Tuesday 23 April 2013

67th Day of Recover

Here I am again, after 1 month, writing on this blog. I thought I will be able to recover from the pain of losing you. But clearly not. After so many days and keep counting, my heart is still bleeding.

I just blocked you on my whatsapp. And don't plan to update anything on my walls anymore in google+. What will you feel about me? I promise myself not to be in the same darkness and position few months back. I promise myself to be stronger and tougher.

Even if you're not willing to be with me, and chooses him again, it doesn't matter. I believe I am strong enough to move on and enjoy my life.

Since you have chosen him again, I hope you both can live happily ever after and hope he changes for you too. You disappoint me when you said you misses me so much but ended up choosing him again when you had the opportunity to leave. Maybe it is love and you are touched by his sincerity. But you had a good reason to back you up which is responsibility. You said even if you're not happy, even you don't love him, you will still be with him. Until you can't stand. But when will that be? It's good to be responsible and I have decided to step down from being a third party.

I will search for my own life and happiness. While wishing you all the best in your dreams, relationship and career. Sometimes in life, it's all about the choices you make. Not fate. Like I have said to you, I only believe in fate once when it brought us together. Then it is our decision to maintain or to destroy it.

God brought and connected our life, and completed our puzzle. We decided to be together. In the end, it's all our decision on whether we are together, break up, or coming back together. It's not fate anymore because fate has done it's job. The rest is up to us. You have made your decision and I will honor and respect it.

I hope you have a good life with him. Maybe there's something in him that makes you stay.

I am going out tonight to just relax myself with some friends. I just want to find back myself and be happy.

Forgive my selfishness... I am sorry...