Thursday 31 January 2013

Time off from everything

It's time to finish work and it's already 7pm now in the office. I just got to know from my colleagues that tomorrow is a public holiday. Last time, whenever there is a public holiday, I will be very happy because it means spending more time with her. I miss her so much. We just had a public holiday on Monday and now Friday another public holiday. I miss the moments we hang out so much. And whenever I look at our photos, tears rolling down my cheek. We were so perfect together. Our kids would be fantastic and my love to you were just so solid. Its like the great wall of China, Nothing can remove or take it away.

Sigh, meeting with some friends and they are introducing some new friends to me. To be honest, I am not interested but I have to go out rather than staying at home facing the walls alone thinking of more things. Even when I am out, my mind is all about you. I just can't stop thinking of you whenever I go and whatever I do. Even replying my emails and having meetings with my boss, my minds is still about u..

I hope all this pain could go away. I just hope god can take away all this for me now. It is unbearable that all this beautiful memories just came to and end so suddenly. I didn't know all those little things that I do actually meant so much for you. Guess you were under great pressure being with me. I am very sorry that I spend too much time on you without knowing that you needed some space on your own.

I hope you will enjoy your long weekends with him. To be honest, I have no intention to destroy your relationship with him and just want the best for you. I will look after you from far and love you forever.

No pain beats the pain of seeing the person you love, no longer hold your hand anymore but the hand of others. I can only watch in pain and wish her happiness.

I love you baby... You will forever remain in my heart as my only love.

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