Saturday 2 March 2013

16th Day of Recovery

It is a beautiful Sunday today. Good for a walk around the beach and just sit down to read some books. Did that the whole morning until the sun begins to feel really scorching hot then decided to head back to my room.

Wonder what is your plan for today? Anyway, hope you enjoyed your Sunday as well. It's already 16 days now and keep counting. You are so hard to forget and my heart just couldn't stop thinking over you. Anyway, I have been writing daily about how I feel and what I am doing and it's almost the same everyday. I wish there is something new for me to write about. Something interesting in my life just like yours. Love is really hard to forget. Especially when you love from your heart.

Hope you have fun today. I will love you always and forever. I will be heading to some sight seeing places later in the afternoon before heading back to KL. It will be another tiring day. But at least away from all the work and stress.

Take care ya my love. You know you are weak. Make sure you consume more vitamins and also to regularly have your body check. Any help you need, I am always here for you.

Love you always and a thousand years to come. Miss you so much my beloved baby.

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