Wednesday 13 March 2013

The end of 26th Day - Very happy night

Again just got home. I don't mind getting home so late every day. I feel that my life now has beginning to feel alive again. At least no more sorrows, no more heart pain, no more stressing, no more thinking negatively about love but it's like love is in the air again. But of course, I just feel happy but not in love with another girl.

Recently got a really young girl whom I got to know and we just hang out in the last 2 night. I feel comfortable and happy with her. But like I always say to you, I will never start a relationship unless I can totally forget about our love and also waiting for the day when my heart will be open again. I feel that she will wait for me and she kinds fond of me. This is because of the action and also the things she do. But overall, I am really happy. At least I am not crying alone in the room anymore.

We had a nice dinner tonight with her friends as well. And then watch movie with her and late night chill out with her friends together. It was fun. And I now understand why you hated me so much for blocking all your freedoms. Anyway, pass is pass, I just want to live in the present and building up my future.

I love you always baby. You will forever be the only girl I love so much. Until my heart can open itself again to the public or to another girl that can steal it back from you. But now, still only you..

Good night baby. Hope you have a sweet dream and happy being with him.


  1. Happy white valentine. Hope u enjoy the celebration with her

  2. I keep reading this post for more than 20 times. I hope u don't update this blog anymore. I will hide whatever feelings n reason in me. I sincerely wish u all the best with her.
