Wednesday 6 March 2013

The end of 19th Day - Scary VAMPIRE!!!

It's another day gone without you by my side. Although everything keeps reminding me of you but I still can live my life as usual now. Getting more use to it although misses you so damn much. Worked till very late today until 9.30pm.

Some creepy incident scared me to death just now in the pantry around 8.30pm. About 8 like that, everyone in the office is gone except me, still working. Then I heard some sounds in front which makes me really curious. I thought somebody was out there in the front reception. So i just called out and see if anybody responded. NO ONE!

Then after that, I keep hearing the sound again coming from the front. From my instinct, I just walk to the direction of that sound and trying to figure what the hell it was. And right in the middle of my office, the sound came from above the ceiling in the ventilation system. OMG! The sound keeps moving around, and definitely, there is something inside which I don't know what is it. I thought it's just a mouse or something else. So I don't care much and continue walking back to my place and work.

Around 8.30, I am thirsty and so coincidentally, my pantry switch for the light was out of order. So I can't turn on the lights. But there is this little light from the office that shines thru the pantry. But it's still in the darkness. While walking towards the refrigerator, I saw something moving on the floor. And immediately it squeak so loud that it made me jump up and got a big shock!! I don't know what it was that time as it's whole body is curled up and I thought it was a frog or toad. But it squeak again and move. This time with it's wing open. I quickly open my handphone torch and shine to it. To my surprise, it was a little vampire (bat). Scary right. I ignore it quickly and just go back to my place to work without taking any water.

And suddenly this thing just fly out from the pantry into the open office. Got shocked again. But the vampire can't move much as i think it was injured. So, slowly, I take something and pushed it out to the main door and outside the office and leave it there. It took me 15 minutes to do so. Here is the photo below on the little vampire.

But anyway, it just scared me up at night as this creature is so black in colour in the dark while in the pastry just now.

Ok. Done talking for now. Really tired and need to get some rest for some adventure tomorrow. Friday will be a big adventure for me again. Going to some sight seeing with my friend. Take the day off on Friday from all the work and things that happen to me since the beginning of this year.

Baby, I hope you had a great day today both at work and with your love ones. Hope you enjoy yourself. I miss you so much and every night to be honest, while hugging my booster, I always think of hugging you.

I love you so much baby. More than anything else in this world. Just want you to know that even time, and everyone else, couldn't remove my love to you. I will always love you forever. Take care, goodnight and have a sweet dreams. If you need anything, you know where to find me. I will came to you instantly.

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