Thursday 7 March 2013

The end of 20th Day - Time flies

Tomorrow is going to be 21 days. 3 weeks you have been with him. Time flies really fast. But what doesn't seem to go away besides everything else is my heart and love to you. No matter how hard I tried to push it away. Tried to forget you and everything about us, the more I will remember you.

"The best thing about loving and being hurt is that you get to know what true love really is. For as gold is tested in fire, and so will love be perfected in pain."

The phrase above really explains well what is the real meaning of true love. I guess mine is tested now but what about yours?

Guess you must be sleeping now like a pig. Work must be really tough for you and you must be fighting really hard for your sales and targets. I hope that everything will be smooth for you and always will pray for miracle in your life. Never give up as I will always support you. Never lose faith as I will always be the faith and light for you. Never lose hope as you will never know for sure that hope has left you. Hope might just be standing somewhere observing you and every decisions you make. And hope will help you go through the obstacles in your life.

I love you always baby and forever. Love people say, is the greatest medicine anybody can asked for. Have a sweet dreams and hope that your sleep will be until morning and most important, you are very safe and happy now.

Take care my love forever. 

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