Thursday 14 March 2013

27th Day of Recovery

Something unexpectedly happen today. Suddenly I received your message. But I think it's better not to talk about it. We both know actually why in the end, we have to live like this and unable to turn back. At least I understand it very clearly now.

It has been a very busy period for me now, fighting over various issues and work related matters. But life is never easy. I will continue to fight all the uncertainties to build up a better future for myself and the people around me.

To be honest, nothing concerns me more now except for your happiness. I just hope that you are happy being with him now. And not pretending or being with him because you don't have a choice and it's hard to reject because of the things he has done. Life is always about choices. But to be honest, sometimes, once a decision is made, it's really hard to go back...

I will respect your message and not to post anything about me and other girls in this blog. I don't know you have been following me so closely all this while I am especially shocked as to why you still wanted to view my blog but the questions don't need to be answered.

Guess, the things will need to be kept by me for the time being until you are ready to take them back. Like I always say, if I start in a relationship, I will be serious. If I didn't it must be because of certain reasons. I still love you so much and I can't be selfish in this and be unfair to other girls.

I love you very much. Hope you are happy. Your happiness is ultimately mine as well. Take care please. In the end, we will both go thru our own life until our path cross again in the future.

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