Friday 15 March 2013

The end of 28th Day - Last post & hidden love forever

Before I start writing this post. I just want you to know that this will be the last post you see. And don't visit this blog anymore. You are right. I shouldn't post anymore on this blog. I will listen to you.

Sadly, the things that you say, is true and I already knew it long ago. We may not be with the person whom we love the most and in the end, we end up being with somebody whom we might not truly love. Today, she hold my hand suddenly and I guess, there is nothing for me to explain further here.

No one knew how I felt about you, about us and I guess, only you know the truth behind everything that happens. I have to take responsibility on the things that happen and accept the fate that we have both gone our different path and own ways. In the future, if our path crosses again, then it's good. But if it's not, then all the best to you and myself.

You know me, I will never give up until I know it's too late and when you started with him exactly a month ago, I knew that instant, it's too late. I gave up that instant. But just my heart is the one holding on and up till now, I have to admit how much I really loved you. But reality and truth is always painful and often time we have to face it openly. I never cried since you started with him. But today, tears roll down for the first time in 1 month. I know, this last post will be the last link between us and after this, we will both go our own ways and may never meet again.

I truly appreciate that you have been loyal and viewing my post every single day. And I am very happy for that. But things that have happen can never be undone.

I just hope you will be truly happy with him and so am I. I may never love the girl like how much I loved you, but things are just the way it is. Sometimes, it's beyond our control.

I can just say 1 thing before I end this. I have never regretted the moment I saw you in the bus. And you will be forever the only girl I loved so much and wanted to marry with. I hope that when you are getting married in the future, please do tell me. That's my only wish and hope from you.

Before I stop, I have a song for you and hope you like it. It's not a thousand years. That will forever be our song and only us. Let us hide our love deep within ourselves. Our love, can be considered true love.A love that is hard and rare to find. A love that may not even exist. But I found it. And it's with you.

Goodbye my love. May our love last forever deep deep deep deep deep inside our heart. I will always and forever love you for a thousand years.

Do not view this blog anymore. Move on, live on, and be happy everyday. Goodnight and have a sweet dream baby.

PS: everything can be thrown away but just 1 thing I can never throw. Daughter.... I will pass this to your friend and throw everything else. Don't worry. I am not going to contact your friend again after I pass daughter to her.


  1. I repeat reading this post for more than 30 times. N I cry so hard n I never feel this pain before. words can't describe how I feel right now. The only thing I know is now both of u together n I Should hide whatever feelings I have in me Now n keep it to myself but wish u all the best.

    I dunno what makes u sudd said this is the last post. Perhaps u r serious with her n u wan to start everything all over again. I understand that. U have to b fair with her.

    The reason I don't wan daughter back is because I can't let go. I hope even u dun wish to keep daughter anymore. Don't pass if to me. Please. Since u can throw my everything else, daughter is no longer important to u anymore.

    My heart feels Pain as like thousands of knives poke through my heart. Tears r falling down n never stop. It's 430am in the midnight. Everytime I wake up around this hour to view your blog.

    I have decided to hide all the secrets n feelings now with me.. Because I wan both of u happy. . I hope you don't reply this blog anymore

    Until today my love to you is still there. This 28 days I try to put u aside but I can't. Whatever things I said n did I thought of u. Whenever I'm so down in my work and fight with him n cried for it I wish u r there to hug me. I'm feeling so lost sometimes but I m trying hard to b mature n I wish to turn back the time but I can't. I never visit fruits stall again is not bcz of I don't like the juice anymore, is because of I tell myself don't ever return to that stall until I let go. I'm becoming more tough cz I just wan to survive n dun let ppl see that I'm actually very weak.

    Good luck n all the best in your relationship. She must b very pretty n lucky to attract you. I sincerely wish u a the best with her. Goodbye to Dylan love Ashley forever blog . I'm sorry daughter, mummy n daddy can't give u a better future n happy family. I love both of u n If I have the last wish to make in my life. I will tell the god I just wan him to b happy, as long as he is happy, I promise to hide all my feelings n won't disturb his life anymore.

    I want to thank god. I finally found my true love. At least in my life I met him before. He crossed my path n even I can't be with him together in future, at least I ever be with him n those moment are the happiest moment ever in my life. Even I'm shouting that day on the surgery bed, he's the one who gave me strength n I told myself no matter how pain I'm that time, I'm gonna make it cz he's there for me & he's the one. If I ever have any outbreak in future. I hope I will have the strength to carry on.

    People told me I'm very tough n strong, deep down in my heart I'm actually very weak n soft hearted. After u left me, I can't hold on in my work like how I did before when I was with u. I can't share with him n joke around the dr(s) name. Things aren't the same anymore. I can't hold on anymore. I just can't do it but nobody support me on this besides u.

    Goodbye baby. I never call anyone 'baby' ever since we broke up. There was one time I accidentally called him baby but after that we remained silent. We know what's happening but I just can't control n still think of u.

    It's 514am now. Have a sweet dream n I will send my little angels to guide u when u feel down in work/life/relationship. Iloveu baby. Take care. Move on happily n don't look back for me anymore:""""""(

  2. This is true love... Ending that both of us never anticipated. And there is nothing at this moment that we can do. I have never known about all your unhappiness.

    Prettiness doesn't attract me, heart does. Just like you. I am not attracted to your look. I am just simply falling in love with you because of fate.

    Lets see what future holds for us. At this moment, all my feelings about you will be buried deep down inside my heart. It never left me. Daughter, if you don't want it back. I understand. I will keep it with me and let no other girls to touch it.

    Goodbye my baby Ashley. I hope you can find happiness behind this painful love we both had. Try to look at him as a different person. You choose him over me. He must have something that you value and this is where you will have to start from.

    Nobody knows the future. Lets just keep praying hard for each other happiness. Our path might accidentally crossed again. Take care..
