Wednesday 6 March 2013

20th Day of Recovery

I have said too much until now, I am lost of words on how to describe my situation. Things are still the same, work, relationship, friends, family, colleagues. The only things I am really concern now more is the things happening around my work place.

Tomorrow hopefully will be a beautiful day for me. And hope for you too since it's the last day of work but for me, it's an off day. But I still need to go for a meeting in the morning before I can finally relax and enjoy the rest of my friday and weekend.

Hope things are going fine with you there. I think you must be very happy now and maybe never regret with the decision you make about leaving me. If you are happy, then it's ok. I will be happy from you and continue with my present life now. I am quite comfortable now with my life although I believe that with you around, it would actually be perfect. I still think back of our happy moments together most of the time. Really misses it so so much. Everything we do, the laughter we had before we sleep. The way we hug each other and how I comfortably lie on your side. Miss all that.

Anyway, as long as you are happy, then I won't care much actually. Love you always and forever as usual. I will never stop saying all this words to you at the end of my every sentence. Take care and be happy always. Hope your health is getting better now and you are better than before.

Love you always baby Ashley.

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