Monday 11 March 2013

The end of 24th Day - Work & special dream

Today as mentioned in my earlier post was full of hectic work load and unnecessary stress created by people who just don't bother much about us. But what to do? We live in a reality world where things are just build and design like this.

Went to the night market at SS2 today after work around 8++ and as usual, circled few rounds before can even find a parking slot. Never come back to this place for some time now. But suddenly really craving for the lotus soup. When I finally found a parking lot, it was nearly 9pm but luckily there is still lotus soup left for me. But of course, my favourite economy rice is gone. So I tried the tomyam fried rice from your favourite stall where you use to order the tomyam noodle. To be honest, the fried rice is just so so but the soup was extremely clear and sour. Nice though but too sour...

Anyway, after dinner, just had a walk for awhile and went back home to rest. While chatting with my friends on Wechat and whatsapp, suddenly fall asleep. And I had a really short dream, it was about a girl, whom I can't really see clearly who she was. But she was waving from me in a distance where light was shining so brightly behind her. Which obviously makes her look really dark in front that covers her face completely. But from the shape of her body, it looks like you although I can't be 100% certain. But anyway, when I walk nearer and nearer to her, she seems to be either getting further away from me, or she is just too far that I can't even reach with just walking. So I decided to run. But strangely, no matter how fast I run, I can't seem to reach her. That makes me so anxious. I continued to ran and ran and ran. And suddenly, I fall and that's when I woke up. I don't know what's the significance of this dream. Just to share what just happen to me.

Love makes people dream and makes people fantasies. But at least, signs are showing me positively that moving on is good for both you and myself. For you, it may be the best gift from me, to just leave you alone. I am doing just perfectly fine now, I think.

I am very tired now and just wanted to have a good sleep. Will watch a movie with another friend tomorrow. Guess this time will watch oz the magician. Should be a good movie to watch this time.

Goodnight and sweet dreams to you. Hope things are going smoothly between you and him. I will love you always and forever and my heart and soul, still longs for you tender hug and kisses. Misses them so much.

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