Tuesday 19 March 2013

33rd Day of Recovery

I am very happy that you have finally smiled. Even if I didn't do much impact on your life now but being able to generate a smile on your face is a big thing to me.

I hope you will carry on this smile and never let anything else take it away from you. I will always be here for you. We both know deep inside how we felt about each other and although fate tear us apart right now, I believe that in the future, we will be truly happy.

If we are really meant to be together, our path will definitely cross again and I hope that time, we will never ever let each other go again. What we can do now is to just live our life as happy as we can because right now, there are certain things that we can't go back. Just like the relationships that we are both having now.

Take care and we will have chance again for the lovely laksa, prawn mee and your favourite fruit juice.

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