Sunday 24 March 2013

38th Day of Recovery

Morning. I guess both our holidays were not as smooth and happy as we both thought it will be. I never knew about all the problems you're having and never intend to be part of your problem. I guess part or not most of it is my problem. I started to buy you luxury brands because I know you love it. I started to chat with you more often which causes all this. I'm very sorry. I will not send anymore messages to you. I will still update this blog because I feel that I tried very hard to recover but in the end, I still love you so much.

I feel that it's very unfair to her now when I'm thinking of you. I never touched her. Never. And she feels weird about it and keep trying when we are in Port Dickson yesterday. We started too quick without me getting over you and now, I don't know how to leave without hurting her. I guess I'm really a bad guy after all. An asshole that never stop hurting girls feeling. Like how much I have hurt you. Me and her is totally different than me and you. I never told her I have a pending Japan trip and keep paying money postponing the dates, paying the penalty. I have it twice now. I too feel like giving up but just don't know how. I can't go trips with her especially to the places I have never been before and my dream places. Somehow I just want to go with you.

I plan to go Paris alone and buy you a Chanel bag still for your birthday present. I have promise you and I have to keep it. I will go in June during your birthday.

You and I, we are actually a nearly perfect couple except for our slight differences in character but knowing it now and even changing it now is useless. I never control her outings with friends and always ask her to go out with them. I will just fetch her afterwards to meet for a while. I spend money on her but she is like you, have strong character which makes me accept her in the first place I think. But that's not love. I knew it now and have no way at the moment to go back.

Don't blame yourself for the person you are now. No one is to be blame even yourself. All of us are born to be happy. We just need to find the right guy and girl in life and get married. My love forever is going to be you and marriage, I'm only thinking of you. I feel sorry to her even by writing this to you now but this is exactly how I feel.

Every girl is meant and born to enjoy life. That's why I pamper and loved you so much. Not because I have lots of money to spend, or because I know you like branded things. But it's actually because of the attitude and character you have. I know that in the future if I'm really in difficulty, you will be there got me and take care of me and my family. That's why just because of this, I will give you the best and secondary to myself. If you see, I never treat myself with any branded things even in London. I spend most of my money on you items. I have no regret even until today. I still believe you are the right girl for me. But now, you're with him and I can only wish and hope you're happy.

My parents, when talk to me always ask me to do 1 thing which until now, I still fail to do. Find a good gf, get married and treat her very nice. My father values what my mum has done for our family. And I value you that much as well for the things you have gone thru with me. I will give you only the best i can afford. If I have money, whatever you want I will get it for you.

Remember, I am always here listening to you. I never leave you although we never see each other and I can't physically be next to you to accompany you when you cry but I will be here. I hope you will stay strong and overcome this. I will not leave you and you're definitely not alone. You will never be alone crying in the dark because I will come with a torchlight.

I know you love him a lot now. And I hope you can enjoy your trip in July with him and his family. You will need to tell your parents too that time. Hope you guys will be able to tie the knot. I sincerely wished you and him happiness.

I love you forever and always. I know it's a strong sentence to say but I really mean it. This is true love. Sometimes we are not meant to be with our true love but we can only wish them happiness with someone else. It's really painful doing it but it's the best for now.

I will not message you on whatsapp now. My good morning and good night will only appear on my google plus post just like you.

Have a great working day for you and hope you will forget all the problems you're facing now and take it as an opportunity to test your love to him.

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