Friday 22 March 2013

35th Day of Recovery

Today is a crazily busy day for me since morning. That's why I don't even have the time to update this blog. But I am happy that we are keeping in touch. That you no longer hate me. Although we are not together anymore by fate, but I am satisfied with what I have now.

Our communication like this is good enough for me. Me and my her now started in an unexplained and sudden environment. I don't know what I am doing at all. But don't worry I said before I will never hurt another girl the same way I hurt you. No other girl will feel the pain that you have felt. And I will go thru this pain with you again in the future if you ever going to face it alone without him.

Just remember this, take care of yourself and be tough. Guys can say anything they want when they are coming after you, it's their commitment after, that makes it all count. I hope you understand what I am trying to say. I hope he is the man for you because you loved him and I know it. Me and her now, I don't know what we are going thru at the moment. But it's definitely different than when I am with you. But don't worry, I won't hurt her.

I still love you and miss you so much. Somehow, this is a lifetime commitment. You ask me not to wait for you, but can I really do it? Only time will tell. But I definitely still hope and pray that our path will one day crosses each other and we can once again be a lovely couple.

Take care and for now, remember to be happy always. Stay healthy and always smile. A happy heart can cure many disease and sickness and also mental stress.. I know you can do it. Feel it in your heart that I am always next to you even though physically I am very far..

I will be having my vacations in the weekend and taking Monday off as well.. You have a nice weekend too and enjoy your days with him..

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