Friday 8 March 2013

The end of 21st Day - KLCC, Pavilion, Snitch & SKYBAR

Finally the end of the 3 weeks of recovery!! I feel much better today. Have great fun visited the KLCC, but too bad the sky bridge was full. Had to visit that another time. To be honest, I have never been there before. First time there. Haha... But feel excited though. Had a walk around and done some light shopping. Bought a new belt for myself and wanted to bought 1 new jacket in esprit. Really nice but too bad, don't have my size..

We also manage to had a walk at the KLCC park. Never knew that the park was so big. Hmmm.. Interesting walk and chat today.. Really feel relax and happy. Hope this weekend would be the same as well.

After that, we went to Pavilion for a movie. Watched Snitch which stars The Rock!! But too bad, it was a big disappointment to me. The movie sucks big time plus it has not much action at all. Big NO NO if you plan to watch it with whoever. It's not a good movie at all.

We had dinner at a japanese restaurant. Really nice meal. Enjoyed it!! But finally the finale that I have been waiting. The SKYBAR! I never been there before. It was a great place to chill and to have some light drinks and chat. From  now on, will make myself more available for night out with friends. Have great fun today.. Thanks!!!

Anyway, I guess you must have a tough friday fighting for your sales. Hope that everything turns out good for you Ashley. I think you will be able to achieve what you dream of. I have complete confident in you and will always support you.

Weekend is up now. Hope you will have the best and relaxing weekend with him and your friends, colleagues. I miss you so much every time I think of you. But I know, you are having good time and happy. So, basically, nothing to worry much. Tomorrow, hopefully another great day for me. Will keep you updated on what will happen.

I love you always and forever my baby Ashley. Never forget this, although I am happily enjoying myself and single life, but from time to time, I am still thinking of you.

Have a sweet dream tonight. Goodnight and take care my baby Ashley.

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