Monday 11 March 2013

24th Day of Recovery

Shit!!! Damn busy today. No time to even rest. Keep talking, walking around and when have time, just need to reply all my emails and attend on pending documents. OMG!!!!

I wonder how's your work? Getting more busier I think with all the targets you need to hit and also the accounts you serve. But guess he is a big help to you in this regards which I will never be.

Life is getting good and better for me now. Ever since the first day you left me. I hope thru time, my heart will be able to open up again just like you. I don't know if you still views this blog or not but even if you didn't, I guess, it means nothing to me anymore. I am getting used to all this silence from your side now and beginning to feel back the life I use to had before I meet you. When I am engage in a relationship, my love means everything to me, maybe too much that when I lost you, it feels like the world is ending. I just realised how stupid I am in thinking this way. In single life, I enjoyed a lot. But not as much as when I am with you when I can actually see my future.

But anyway, recovery seems good for me now and it is getting better as the time goes forward. I will still remember you and loved you because I still can't forget you. That's why I can't go for any girls now although i am seeing quite a number of them. This is the advantages of being single for me. I will never hurt another girl again like how I have hurt you. This is my stand since I meet you and my policy that I will never change.

I love you always baby. Take care and have a nice day today. I wanted to drink lotus soup so much. Maybe will head down to SS2 to get the soup before going back home.

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