Saturday 9 March 2013

The end of 22nd Day - 4 Shopping to Malls

Finally I am back to my room after a tiring run today. It's nearly 5am now. Freaking freaking tired. My uni mate just called me during lunch time and give me1  hr to prepare for lunch and a crazy day outing. Went to Subang Bak Kut Teh to have our lunch and we had a really full one. Keep refilling the soup and I took 2 bowl of rice. After that, we went back to my place for me to change as we are playing ice skating later with her other friends as well. It was a crazy day I can say.

After went back to my place and change, we head to Tropicana Mall and although it was really far but actually I am craving for the fruit juice. So just went there with my friend. As usual, ask me where you are and she misunderstood my friend as my girlfriend. Very funny. I keep explaining but they just keep laughing and teasing me. My friends face got red but she knows. But anyway, they say you never came and buy the juice but saw you walking pass before once. Guess the fruit juice is not your favourite anymore. I can understand. People change.

Anyway, after buying the fruits and juice, we head to 1 Utama to get some stuff from there and to pass another stuff to my friend who is working there. After that, finally we head down to Sunway for the ice skating. I actually had 2 hours only in Sunway as I have to rush to Midvalley for an appointment with another friend at 8 pm. Really crazy rush. Had really great fun in Sunway with my uni friend and her friends. Tiring as well as I have to keep driving. Reach Midvalley around 8++ and met with my friend and had a really long chat. We even chatted after the mall is close until 12++. Then final destination, head down to my office with Cai to do some work and finally came back to my room now and updating my blog.

Sorry, didn't take any photos as my phone battery is draining really fast and I just keep trying to save my phone battery. Will take my camera out next time.

But anyway, how did you pass your day? I guess you must be pretty enjoying yourself as well. To be honest, how I wish that we could all join in this activities together. Especially with you around as part of my family. I am sure that it will really be a happening one and very happy. But too bad, things change and peoples change. Already accepted the fact.

Nevertheless, the same old closing sentence again. Hope you are not bored keep listening to this.

I will always love you forever and ever baby. Never in a day I have never thought of you. This blog will be the witness of my true love to you. And remember, true love always hurts and without it, you will never realise how much you really love a person. And true love is always about forgiving and happiness. As long as you are happy, then I am happy.

Goodnight and sweet dreams. Sunday will be another interesting adventure for me. Hope you have a good sleep and a great adventure when you wake up. Take care!!! Have more fruits please although you don't want to visit MBG. You can always make your own or ask him to bring you to somewhere else and do your own combination. Love you always...

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