Tuesday 12 March 2013

25th Day of Recovery

What a hectic and busy day at work today... Meeting after meeting. Just manage to get home. No time to even touch my laptop today. That's why can't post anything earlier today. My phone keep having messages coming in from WeChat and have random people keep adding me.

Hmmm. Guess the 7 eye and 2 eye that I am wearing on my wrist is giving some fruitful results after all. But anyway, no time for relationship and definitely no heart left for that unless my heart is able to open up again. Will be meeting up new friend tonight and having a movie. Watching Oz the magician tonight. Very tired though. Hopefully it will be a great night.

I love you very much still. Heart still as stubborn as ever. Never wanted to open for any other girl. Just keep locking itself and waiting for you. Although it's virtually impossible. But anyway, if you need me, I am always here.

Love you always and forever. Have a nice day and night and hopefully you are happy with your life and relationship ya!!

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