Thursday 14 March 2013

28th Day of Recovery

Good morning to you.. Time really flies right. It's already 28 days now since you are together with him. Sometimes, I am still wondering, am I still dreaming? But reality is reality and you are right in some ways that if I keep saying the same thing, I love you forever and always, can I really move on.

To be honest, moving on or not is not a big deal for me. Having another girl beside or not, is not my main priority. It's my life that I wanted to control now and not living in the previous darkness where shadows are always clouding and blocking my judgements.

We often live in a life that we can't control but just have to be responsible with the words we said or do. Just like what we have been going through now. Can we really go back? It will depends on fate in the future and how god has decided the path for us. Maybe in the end, we will live our separate ways but like you say, we have to be responsible and words are powerful. I know and learn about it as well. I have even experienced it badly few months ago. But my words stays as it is for now. Because that's what I felt now.

Whether or not I am able to move on, that's not something I can control now. Take care and enjoy your weekend. I will always love you and forever. Something that I have committed. Maybe I will be with someone whom I don't really love. But just like you, it's life. But I will never hurt another girl unless she is the one.

Have a nice day today and in the weekend as well. Take care of your health and remember that work is not everything. Target need to hit but health and stress level need to be taken care of.


  1. don't worry, when you are attached, you will slowly lost the love feeling to me. In life, sometimes the person you marry with is not the one you love the most I'm the end. I agree on this. The feelings will b hidden deep inside your heart n shall never take it out. It stays there forever. Sadly we have no fate. God will arrange things for us. Only god knows how I feel:

  2. Treasure the one next to you before it's too late :) goodnight n sweet dream
