Sunday 24 February 2013

10th Day of Recovery

Today is the 10th day of my recovery process. I just came back from collecting my grandma's ashes. Finally the whole ceremony is done. I will be going back to KL soon and busy the whole week with my FIFA event.

The whole recovery process was going really well so far. Although my love to you will never leave me, but at least, I am not like last time anymore. I still think of you everyday from time to time and in the morning when I wake and at night. I never gets bored looking at our photos. You will always be my reminder of how a girl should be treated and how we should present our loves to them. I will always keep this in mind and be a good bf and husband in the future. To be honest, marriage is a lifetime commitment for me and every time I think about it, only you came into the picture. With my imagination on our lovely and wonderful kids. This few days, every time i carry my nephew and cousin, I am always thinking of you and our future kids. I know this is just a dream, but a dream I don't want myself to ever forget and hope to keep on dreaming about it whenever I fell asleep.

I may look stupid putting all my love on you and ignoring all the other girls around me, but to me, every thought about you is worth it, every sec of my love to you since the day I saw you until now is never wasted. To love someone so deeply and truly is also a kind of blessing and to be able to once feel your love and care is a kind of gift from god to me. I will always remember the sweet moments we once shared and bring it to the future.

Baby, I will always love you and hope the best for you. This blog will always be kept active with daily postings about my life, and how much I misses you.

Love you always my baby ashley. You are forever my gem and the best girlfriend i ever had. I am sorry I disappointed you numerous times. It's time all those bad past be forgotten and just remember your happy present and future with him. I will keep our memories alive here just in case when you are unhappy and wanted to read something. I will always be here for you 24 hours a day. Never going to leave you alone forever.

Have a lovely working Monday and hope all your wishes and dreams about your work and future job will be prosperous and happy for you. Take care. Hope and wish all your targets are met. Please take care of your health and drink more water and fruits.

Miss you so much Ashley!!!

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