Sunday 10 February 2013

Love is like a roller coaster

It's the second day of Chinese New Year for the year 2013. The year of snake. I hope after February, March would be a good start for me. In half hour, I will be visiting my grandma at the hospital. I really do hope she is fine. I hope god answers my prayer and make sure she live till the day she sees me getting married. I am her only grandson that is old enough to get married. I know, it's impossible. Never give up until the last minute of my breath. And until the day I die. That's what I am going to hold on.

Back to the topic, ever heard of the phrase, love is like a roller coaster? With all the ups and downs in life, turning around, going thru dark tunnels, not knowing where it will lead and the next dive would be? I totally believe this because without all the sadness and happiness, disagreements and agreements, fighting and patching back, would you even know that the person who has been with you for so long is the person whom you really love? When you are too comfortable with another person, you often mistaken that feeling as love or like, and often time, makes the silly mistake by jumping into it and getting out would be a problem because he or she has done nothing wrong to you. How can you jump in and just leave like this? But at the same time, you know that your heart still misses that one person who steals it away from you. In love, you will always get hurt, because by then only you realise how much you loved them and how much you can't live without them and the pain you have to go through. You scold your love one, you curse your love one, you hurl all sorts of bad words to them, but after few weeks and when you meet up, suddenly all the hatreds is gone and you fall in love once again, this is love. True love. You will keep falling in love again.

Because love is just simply a big roller coaster in life. It will always gives you the shiver but the beauty of it is the excitement because every time you completed a cycle of roller coaster, you felt the excitement that you have completed something you thought you can never accomplished. This is how love grows stronger in a relationship and you will know if the other person who claims to love you will change for you, or will stay loyal to you till the end. This is the ultimate test of love. You can like a thousand people but you will only fall in love once and when you say "I LOVE YOU", it means a lot. This 3 words can never be simply said because it also bears a lot of responsibility. I am always ready to take the responsibility because after quarreling with you only I found out that you are the love of my heart and also the pain behind it which makes it the only girl capable of doing so and made me feel love.

 If you truly loves another person, time will only makes you grow fonder of him/her, and misses him/her much. But will not make you forget him/her. At the same time, if you never loved that person, forgetting him or her would be just within a single reach. All you need to do is just ignore him or her, ignore everything he says, do, postings, or whatever and get on with your life. This is what I have done in my previous relationships. I walk away and never looked back.

Tell me, how do you know you loved a person if you never feel the pain of losing him or the things he do or said? For me, this past 6 weeks is all about trying to patch back with you and at the same time, to be honest, try to open my heart and forget you. But failed miserably. I just simply can't accept others and open my heart. My heart just says, only 1 person remains. Which is you.

But anyway, having said all the above, decision is always yours and as long as your are happy with him, that's all that matters to you.

It's time to visit my grandma. All the best in your love life. And hope your heart really tells you who is the most important guy for you. Happiness is forever. Some choices once made, can't be reverse. I just hope that whatever decisions you make, at this stage, I think you still can choose. It doesn't necessary has to be me. But at least the guy that really means the world to you. Take care my baby. I will love you always and forever.

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