Wednesday 27 February 2013

The end of 12th Day - My nail is gone

I was so tired that immediately when I came home, I just fell asleep. Thus this post was a bit late. Yesterday night I injured my finger and my nail immediately got broken up till my flesh. Haiz.. Stupid door..

 Anyway, it was a good sleep and I dream of you. But the dream was a little unclear and blurry at the same time. But I was happy and glad that at least you came into my dream. You know, I have never loved someone like how I loved you before. It's already 9 weeks. And you are still so clearly in my mind every single day when I wake up, in the middle of the day, and before I sleep and even during my sleep.

How I wish I could see you again, give you a hug, a warm kiss and just do the things we use to do together again. Don't worry, this was all just a dream and just a hope. It will never happen. Plus, you may be very happy with him now and have forgotten me. But I don't mind really. If you are happy, then I am happy.

The blurry dream was actually about us making love. You know how much we both enjoyed making love when together. To be completely honest with you, I will never touch any other girls again in my life. Except for you. You have changed me completely and make me understand some principals and concepts and philosophies in life that I never did before. All my promises to you will remain forever.

I love you always and forever my baby girl. This sentence will always be on every post of mine in this blog. Have a sweet dreams.

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