Wednesday 13 February 2013

Happy Valentine Day - An album of our story together

Happy Valentine Day baby. This video represents the story of our amazing love (our love is the best thing that has ever happen to me). And I just want to tell you how much I really appreciate you now and loved you. And how much sorry I am for the things I have done and said to you in the past. I truly regretted it all and sincerely will never ever hurt you again. But if you don't believe, then just let time prove it to you. I will love you always and hope you are happy in this valentine day with the one you wanted to spend it with.

I hesitated for quite a long time before uploading this video. If you don't like it, I can remove it from youtube straight.

I love you always and forever and all my promises to you will remain as what have said to you many times before.

Take care baby, please take care and be happy!!

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