Wednesday 6 February 2013

The most hurtful feelings

This is so very true. If you really loved a person, you will feel the immense pain when you see the girl you love holding another guys hand. I have seen it once and it breaks my heart completely. But yet, I am still here, blindly loving you and not letting go of this love. This is true love. Although in your heart, you have seen it, feel it, and knows it. But what can be done? All you can do is cry and hope that tomorrow will be better although you know that it won't. Silent cry alone is the worst feeling of all, when you know that everyone around you that keep asking you to move on, never really understand the pain you are facing. How I wish you could understand me and my love to you. I have seen your messages that you sent after we have seen each other, It was very loving and touching. You said you loved me so much and keep repeatedly seeing my videos, thinking of me wherever you go and do and can't let go. You also said your love will never fade away. You said you will love me thousand years even if I don't. But actually, I really do. I will love you eternally and forever.

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