Thursday 7 February 2013

A Thousand Years - Christina Perri

Baby, still remember how we met and all the words we said? I remember it clearly as though it just happen yesterday. Every single words and how I use our phone numbers 888 as further topic. I never have regretted meeting you in the bus. Up till now even if you loved another guy, I will still never regret being in the same bus with you.
Why we choose this song by Christina Perri, A Thousand Years? Our feelings when we first met and our outings for the first few days sparked our first kiss 5 days later and in just a very short period of time, we felt so comfortable with each other like we have known each other in the past lifetime. We never failed to amused each other and never failed to make each other laugh. We spend our time together and we are very happy. The first 3 months were magical for us and we reveal everything about us without feeling embarrass or shy. Although you did feel shy over a few things but over time, you also felt that it's nothing. And our Hong Kong trip after that, is just amazing. I wish we could spend more holidays together. I really wish that. But is it even possible?

This song often appears when we were in the car. Since the the day we together and break until now, it never failed to appear whenever we needed the song and it comes when we feel romantic inside the car, and it also came in the last 1 month when this music was suppose to be buried because it's outdated and many more new songs in the market. But whenever I drive, this song is always there. Even until now. It symbolizes our love. Our never ending love. Perhaps we are really a couple in the past life. Perhaps we never get to be together in our past life and god wanted us to cherish our present life. But there are just way too many obstacles. I just wish I could remove all of them and start our life all over again.

Baby, nothing that happens to us is a coincidences. It all happens for a reason. And only 1 reason. It's love. True love. And true love always will have to go through obstacles and once all that is gone, we will be happy together. If you think carefully from the day we met until now, things that happens to us, all the musics, radios, outings, even until I bump into you in midvalley with him, it all happens for a reason. Not for me to give up. But to test how much I really loved you. If my love to you is just ordinary love, I think I have given up on you the moment I saw you holding his hand. I wouldn't even be so stupid to hold on until now and forever. This is what happens to all my previous ex. I left them the moment I know they have another guy and never look back anymore. Of course, I know you never betray me. But since you have another guy in your life, by right, I should have let go. But I i can't. Simply just because of my love to you.
There is 24 hours in a day. And I am working, meeting and doing all sorts of things. But while doing all those, I am constantly thinking of you. What you are doing? Are you happy? Feeling stress? Got eat your lunch? Dinner? Being with him? Having fun with him? Or otherwise? What are you thinking? Did you view my blog? Did you see all this that I wrote? Do you have anymore feelings on me? Have you forgotten me? Did you love him? Are you both really together?

All this questions keep running through my mind daily. I think too much about you but luckily I still can multitask and do my work.

I just want to tell you, I have this feeling since we met, that we are destine to be together and destine to fall in love. And I want to tell you as well, that I will LOVE YOU FOR ANOTHER THOUSAND YEARS.

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