Thursday 7 February 2013

In the airport - Leaving Bali in 45 mins

Going back to KL in the next 40 minutes. What will happen in the next few days? I guess nothing much will happen to me. Probably will just stay in KL alone doing all my work and hope that some kind of miracles could happen to me which is highly not. If god is so kind to me, I promise I won't mistreat her again and I also promise to do lots of charity every month and week with her.

Baby, I think you will be leaving to Singapore soon. I really misses Jayden, Mason and Kingston. Please send my regards to them. I guess they are too small to understand what has happen to us. I believe Kingston might understand. But I really wishes to be with them and play with them. I love your family. Not to the extend of crazy or insane but it's just love.

No matter what, I will always be here for you. And always will look after you from a distance. And if you are hurt or sick and wanted to see me, I will be there for you no matter how far I am. This is my promise to you that I have said weeks ago and will never break even if you are with him.

Please take good care of yourself. Happy Chinese New Year & Happy Valentine. I still hope so much to celebrate Valentine with you. And hope so much that you could give me a message and return to me. But I guess all the miss messages from you will never be heard again.

Have a safe trip to Singapore. I will give you sisters message probably when I reach KL in the evening.

Love you always my beloved baby princess.

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