Monday 18 February 2013

Maybe I am not the special one for you

You once told me about this and i modify slightly. But your original meanings are there.

"Maybe I am not the one for you. Maybe I am just a passerby for you to grow and meet someone better in life. For you to see how others would have loved you better and treated you better. True love is about letting go and giving the best for you and hoping you would grow and naturally be happy"

I think I am just your passerby. Someone who loves you and watches your happiness from behind quietly.

Love is almighty. Love is great. Love is miracle. Love is everything. Love is true. Love is pure. And true love don't disappear and it last forever.

People said this to me, saying I LOVE YOU takes a lot of courage. Just like you, because in the first few weeks, you never said that to me and I cry in tears when you finally say the 3 words to me.

It takes 3 seconds to say I LOVE YOU but it takes a lifetime to forget. When a person says I LOVE YOU, and the next moment say I DON'T LOVE YOU, it probably just mean that they never love you in the first place. I am sure your love to me is real. And you're probably hurting now and thinking of me but you can't do anything because you have already accepted his love and doesn't want to hurt his feelings and everything he has done for you.

Maybe the pieces of me are drifting away from your heart, when you started to fall for him. I am really thankful for the kiss on my neck during my birthday. At least, I still have that one special memory left for my birthday this year as a present. 

Somehow, all the words that you have said to me earlier about your feelings, reflected what I am going through now. All the painful feelings knowing you have moved on with another guy, knowing that I am left alone here struggling to move on and let go. The only difference is, it's not you but me. And the cruel fact is that, you are now attached. So quickly while I am going thru one of the hardest moment in my life facing my relationship and my grandma.

I must have done too much bad things in my past life. All karma is on me now. If only I can be tougher. If only I can be a real guy that doesn't care much about love. If only I just accept things the way it is and move on with life. There are far more fishes in the ocean that any man can handle. I just don't understand why I am only attached to you.
7 billion people in the world and we met unexpectedly in the bus and got together. And you instantly become my true love. How terrible is that? Or how wonderful life can be knowing that true love still exist?

No matter what has happen or how i think or what i will do, the fact can never be changed. He is still your bf now. Leave the rest to god to arrange for my future relationships and the finances in my hand.

If you come back in the future, it means that you are mine. If not, waiting is still worth it. Because you are definitely worth the wait. And you are definitely more important than anything else in this world. My one and only true love. I read back all our messages in the past 3 weeks. I realise sometimes, if I will just be patience and waited for you, you might come back. But now, it's certain that you are not going to return because you have accepted him. Still the future is not certain. My door will always open. Just to heal your wounded heart in the future. I can't say how much I loved you, I can only show you what I meant, when I say I LOVE YOU.

Take care as always. May all the happiness angels be with you always. And let all those bad angels and devils come to me. I have taken and experienced real pain beyond imagination. Please don't let her, my dear Ashley, shed a single tears for any guys anymore. Let all the bad things be with me and only the good with her. I sincerely pray and wishes her the very best in her life may it be health, relationship, or prosperity.

Remember this, maybe I am not the special one for you. But you will always be the special one in my heart. No one can replace you and time will proof that whatever I say will be kept forever. You never really truly understand me or given me enough time to proof to you. I will use this lifetime to show you what true love means and what it can do.

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