Monday 25 February 2013

The end of 10th Day - Happiness within the mirror

I am finally back to KL after a tiring 4 hours drive. Next time really I will take the flight or bus back. Anyway, throughout the whole journey, I keep flashing back the memories of us together. "Bu hao yi shi, qing wen yi xia ni zhi dao taxi zai na li ma?" Translation, "excuse me, can I ask where the taxi is?"

I still remember until today that was the first sentence that I have said to you. Then our first meal, first date, first kiss, first everything. All the memories flashes in my mind with smiles on my face. This is true love. Able to let go and still smiling whenever thinking of the happy moments with you. And the smile came from my heart directly.

I watched "together" with my friend in the cinema yesterday night. I guess you must have watched it already with your friends or him. It was not really a good movie but it has some values that reminds me of you. The part where the girl is sad and she went to a class and the comedian was trying to make her laugh. He asked her to look into the mirror, and while look into the mirror, she was asked to forget all the sad memories, and only think of happy memories, then you will have a smile that comes from your heart. At that moment, my thought was only with you. And I smiled while watching that movie, not because of the movie, but because you brought happiness into my life for 10 months. And watching that movie just keeps reminding me of the time we spend together. Although it was short and we did nothing much but mostly staying at home rolling around the bed, but it was the best moment ever. I wish to have eternal life with you like this but of course, I couldn't hope for more now except for your happiness with the one you love.

Although it ended, but the memories will last forever within my heart and my mind. I never appreciate your love and you in the past. But I will appreciate all the memories that you have left behind for me.

I will always remember that you are once mine and have sacrifised so much for me. I will never forget this and will appreciate my present and future and keep our memories safe within the memory box in my mind and heart. No one can delete this memory from me.

I love you baby, always and forever you will remain in my heart. I will be with you whenever you needed me in the future.

Take care and goodnight. Hope the sweet dreams will always be with you. I just hope to dream of you and our lovely kids again tonight. I miss you so much. It has been very long since we last seen each other. And your things are still with me. I am just waiting for your 1 message for me to pass it back to you. Remember to take care of your health. More juices and have regular medical check up. Forget all the unhappiness in your life and just be happy now and forever.You deserve a guy better than me. I am more than happy to have let you go.

Have a good working day tomorrow. God bless you and your family always.

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