Thursday 28 February 2013

14th Day of Recovery

Dear Baby Ashley, today mark 2 weeks of recovery and also 2 weeks of your anniversary with him. I sincerely hope you and him will have 1 month, 1 year and 10 years ahead of you. Suddenly, in the office, my tears nearly roll down. But just hold it back with a deep breath while saying this. I have not felt this for some days now since you with him but saying that sentence out really feel some pain. Especially to you. Like the truth about love. The most painful lie is wishing the girl you love happy with someone else. But still I have to hold the pain and sincerely wish you all the happiness with him.

I am still very busy with the last day of my workshop. Then tomorrow will have a short vacation on an island again away from the busy city area and the painful life as well. Hope things goes well at the end of my event today. I just received the official from FIFA a moment ago and just had about 5 minutes to quickly post this. I already made a promise to myself to update this blog no matter how busy I am. And also to take some time to think of you and remember you. I misses you so much now.. Sigh....

I have to go now to finish the second half of my event and then have a good outing with friends tonight. Really need some time off to do some stuff for my own.

Baby, always remember, even the world seems to come to an end to you, even if you feel that nothing goes right, you will always have me to support you and also to make things right again for you. My love to you will never change. I will always be protecting you forever and ever. I love you always baby.

Please take care of yourself and have a nice working day today. Weekend is coming soon. Hope you enjoy it too with him. I really hope to turn back time so we could be together again. But it's basically impossible and i have to stop dreaming and face the reality. Remember to take your lunch and also to take care of your health.

Love you always and forever.... Distance, time, and any obstacles can never take away my love to you. As long as you are happy. I will be happy.

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