Sunday 24 February 2013

The end of 9th Day - Great night with friend

Had a great lunch with my family today. The kids were just wonderful and I feel happy playing with Yee Xiang (my sister son) and also Oscar (my cousin). Both of them are very cute. And suddenly it reminded me of Mason, Jayden and also Kingston. I really misses them very much now. But don't know when I will be able to have the chance to ever see them again.

Anyway, after the lunch, we went back home and I prepared to go out with my friend for Chap Goh Meh. At least I still have friends here. We watch movie together and supper together. After that we went to Precint 10, to a bar called Soho and just sit down at the outside and have drink. Came home around 4am. It was really tiring. But enjoying outings with them.

Wonder how you are? Lately, keep thinking of you even though I am in Penang. But don't worry too much about this. I think I have let go more than 50%. I never feel so much pain anymore thinking of you. Just misses you a lot.

Need to wake up at 8 am later for my grandma ashes collection ceremony. Can't be late for that. So I can't type too long in this.

Baby, I still loves you so much even though so many days have passed. But it's ok. I will always love you like this and writing it on this blog. I will never disturb your life again ever again. I always from the starting of your relationship with him, hoping the best for you and him happily and never cursed you at all. Just as long as it's your decision, I will always respect it.

I love you always baby. Forever and ever you will always be in my heart. I will let go of you eventually, but not the love I had for you as it will always stay with me. I will enjoy my single life with friends. You enjoy your life with him and when get married, please remember me. Goodnight and sweetdreams.

Below are the photo of some of my cute cousins. It was so hard getting them to look at my camera as they were all kids. Lolx!!

I love you baby. Have a good dreams as the angels will always be at your side ya...

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