Sunday 17 February 2013

3rd Day of Recovery

Good morning baby. Sorry, I am just so used to call you by this name and actually this blog is considered a ghost blog because I don't know if anyone is reading it at all especially you. This blog, I just made for you only and hopefully no other third parties you or me know have access to this link.

Busy preparing myself for work and I really don't know how to face my big boss because I have ignored his phone calls since last 3 days. Hope you work will be smooth today and you are able to generate higher sales and hit your target finally. At least he will be a great help in this since you both are together now.

I have no chance to ask about your health and the pain behind your back. I hope all is well for you and you did your medical check regularly.

To be honest, I don't know if waiting like this would even do any good to me but my heart just said to my mind, keep waiting as true love is worth waiting. Even if you have no response from the other side, you also need to keep waiting. There is a saying and wonderful quote

"If someone waits for you it doesn't mean that they have nothing else to do, it just means that nothing else is more important than you :)."

Just realise this, when the world gets darker around you, you are always not alone. As you still have me. You may be someone else gf/wife, but I will still be around you. Every morning, I wake up, I think of you hoping you will have a great day and happy with him. And I will pray for your family too. Before I sleep, I make sure I tell the angels to give you sweet dreams so you can sleep all the way till morning.

It doesn't matter to me if my love will be returned in the end, as all I care now is just how to survive this battle and not to win it. Because survival will only makes me stronger and continue to fight the battle later. God has given me a great hint. At least survive the battle not to win it now but to ensure you live long enough to see through the years behind her rather than die in the battle knowing she will attend your funeral and cry for you.

I will love you always. Have a great productive working day.

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