Tuesday 26 February 2013

The end of 11th Day - 4 am now

It's already 4 am. I just got back home after a long tiring day at work because of the FIFA event. Still I need to wake up at 6.30 to be in the office at 7 and the hotel and 8 to welcome the delegates. It's so damn tiring.

But yet, you are still in my mind as always. Never left me not even for a single day. I guess, you really motivate me in a way. It doesn't matter if you are with who now, and definitely not with me, but I will always fight my career for you. I will still work hard, build a name for myself in the industry and retire by 36. By then, if you are not with me, you might be happily married. I will still be very happy for you.

Today at work, while doing my things, suddenly very funny because I am like having sudden thought and dream about our kids. To be honest, I really really misses your 3 nephews. And also I will miss how our kids will look like in the future. This profile picture I put in this blog will always remind me of how happy we can actually be if I trusted you and give you more freedom and stop being an idiot and more mature. Too bad, the damages are done and even though now I change, you will not come back. I can just accept this and already did openly.

Now, I just hope that everything goes well in my life and no more screwed ups. Let all the past be past and just remember the happy things that we once gone thru together. I will always cherish that. At the same time, collecting all our photos to be made into a big photo collage.. I just want to keep it beautiful.

Am I stupid for loving you like this? Will you think I am stupid? For me, I just think that love is not stupid or not clever, not right or wrong, it's only the purity and sincerity of the love that matters the most to me. And i can feel it straight from my heart how I felt about you.

I will always loves you and protect you from whatever harm you might be. I wish to deliver daughter to you soon. Whenever you are ready, just let me know. We don't have to meet. Just allow me to drop it at your car anywhere. Then I will leave.

Baby, you are the best. Always remember this. I may not appreciate you last time, but definitely now, you are my everything. I just simply love you very very much. More than words can say and describe. It will never change for a thousand years to come or many more thousand years. Don't let anyone take advantage of you. I know you are capable of protecting yourself. Stay happy always and if you needed me, remember, just a call away.

This blog will always be active to update my daily activities and love towards you. I love you always. Have a good night sleep and hope that the angel of dreams will be with you and give you sweet wonderful dreams.

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