Friday 8 February 2013

True Love

My hands are trembling like yours when you said you still feel love for me when we meet up. But soon after, you reaffirm your decisions again that we can never be together because I think mainly of him.

What is true love? Love has nothing to do with what you are expecting to get. It's what you are expected to give. Which is everything. Love without reason also is the reason why it last the longest. I simply fall in love with you the moment I saw you.

For me, people will forget what you said. People will also forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. This statement will always be true, because I have forgotten all the words you said to me and the things you have done but not the feelings you have given me. I miss those feelings. I wonder if you still do.

I am also trying really hard not to cry over you because every tear is just one more reminder that I don't know how to let go. I cried every night with so much tears, that shows how much I can't let you go.

Another statement which is true but hard to do is that if you love someone, let them go. If they return to you, it was meant to be. If they don't, their love was never yours to begin with. You have let go me, and I am still here standing. I try to let you go, but still fail to do so. I hope one day, when you didn't return, I hope that I can let go of you. But it will be a day of miracle for me. Because how can true love dies. It never did.

You know you have found your princess because you not only have a smile on your face but in your heart as well. When we see each other after so long, you just keep smiling inside the car, over small things I do. So am I. Not only my face, but my heart is smiling too, because I am falling in love all over again with you. This is true love. I don't know about you now. But if we were to see each other again, will we fall in love all over again? I hope so.

People often say that true love is always a process of falling in love. And you only fall in love once, but when I see you and hear your voice, I fall in love over and over again but with the same person which is you. We saw each other 3 times. And in the first time, I was passing things to you through the window, that was when I fall for you again, and I felt that you too was unable to leave me because you stop while entering the house and look out at me feeling heavy to leave. The second time was when we went out, that was the most hardest moment for both of us. We both fall in love again and feel very hard to leave each other, but in the end, you still made the decision to leave. And third, I saw you again and pass you the rose and that time, you gave me a very tight hug and a passionate kiss on my neck which I will never forget and made me fall in love with you again. We nearly kissed on the lips, which I really wanted but I suddenly remember that I made a promise to you that I will not kiss you that day. Is this true love? For me yes it is. But for you? What do you think? If you see me again for the fourth time, will you have that kind of feeling? Do you have that kind of feelings with him?

It's really amazing how someone can break your heart, but yet you still love them with all the little pieces. This is true love. My heart is already broke but yet my love still remains so strong. You know you are in love when you see the world in her eyes, and her eyes everywhere in the world. When I first saw you, and every time I looked deep into your eyes, I see a perfect family with 2 kids. A loving wife and mum. And best still, ever since, you are all around me everywhere I go. Your image transform yourself into my mind just like a reminder that reminds me of the pain I have caused you and the pain I am going thru now without you. It is my responsibility to fulfill my earlier promises and I will do it. Not for the sake of your return but for the sake of true love.

To love someone is to see a miracle invisible to others. I have seen miracles about us the moment we board the bus. Not one but many miracles and obstacles being remove. True love is like a river, it will cut a new path whenever it meets an obstacle. I met you in the bus, you gave me a smile in the immigration. I never have the courage to talk to you. And I thought all is over. But then miracle happen again. Your mum was late and you said she was never late. And when I got down, another miracle happen, where did all the people go? I have to talk to you and by talking to you, you happen to trust me completely and offer me a ride. And I asked for your number to thank you. And another coincidence, our number share the same middle 888. I don't know how many miracles we both had. But all this is miracles that both of us can feel and not others.

True love begins when nothing is looked for in return. I realised it now when I finally lose you. True love is all about giving and not receiving. I am giving you all my love now and although I hope for your return. I never forces you anymore. I leave it all to god.

True love is not finding someone you can live with. It's finding someone you can't live without. I am not sure what type of feelings you have with him. But I seriously can't live without you. My pain is growing day by day and it almost never lessen. Sometimes, I really wish that I could just get into an accident and just leave everything behind. It's a very selfish thought but sometimes the pain is just so terrible that you can't stop crying and can't stop thinking. I won't kill myself for sure. But I hope I can continue survive this painful days.

Trying to forget someone you love is like trying to forget someone you never knew. This is really true. I can't forget you at all. And the more I try, the more I remember how you look like. Right now, even if you sit next to me doing nothing and just playing with your Iphone means absolutely everything to me. Time together even just sleeping next to each other, means everything to me now.

True love test the love of pain and test the time and distance. It test both our patience and tolerance. And most importance, it test our loyalty. Time will tell you if I am the right guy for you or him. Your heart will tell you if you feel love with him or with me.

For me, I have already found my true love. She is you. The reason why I wrote this blog. Is to remind myself that there was once a legendary beautiful princess spending 10 of her most precious months with me.

I love you baby. Have a great time in Sg with your friends and family. I wish I am there with you so that I can see Jayden, Mason and Kingston. Help me to play with them. And if you read this, and you are happy with him, please I beg you, just send me a message let me know. So that I can wish both of you. I don't want to make anymore assumptions until I have hear it from you. I don't want others to pass the message to me.

Take care. Always remember if you needed someone, I am here for you. Never giving up on our love. I always have faith in it even if you don't. And I always believe that god will arrange something for us in the future.

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