Friday 15 February 2013

The end of our story

Every STORY has an END. But in LIFE every end is a new BEGINNING.

Ashley, I hope this is the last post you read from me grieving and in sorrow. I promise myself and you that I will try my best to live as happy as you are and be stronger in both my personal life and in my career. I will never let this failure, take me down. And will take this failure, as a lesson for me to grow stronger.

Tomorrow, the nature of my post will be different. I will try to hide all my painful feelings and replace it with a more happening life. From tomorrow onwards, I will never cage myself in the room anymore. I will start my life with a new hope. With a new vision, and with new friends to go together. And hope that the next chapter of my life will be full of colourful and exciting stories to be written.

Our story since the first page until now was one of the most beautiful ever created and it is forever written in my heart. Nothing can erase it away. Who in this world will laugh when you cheers with beers? Who in this world will laugh when you look at her doing mask? Who in this world will laugh like mad when you repeat and cancel the order again and again in a stall in SS2? Who in this world would have play zombie attack "differently" and in a language that only we understand? Who in this world would love to listen to daughter talking? Who in this world would suffer the painful experience of a lifetime disease and pull through after 4 months of torture with me? And definitely, no girl has ever hug me like you did only 5 days after we met on my bed. All this memories and stories will be written forever in my heart.

As for you, I hope you will forever happy with him and also get married soon and have wonderful and beautiful kids with him. I know your wish was never to work forever but to find someone who can really take care of you. Maybe in the future, we will never see each other again. But do drop me a text if you are getting married. It's a happy occasion for you and me if you can find a guy whom you can call husband and spend the rest of your life with.

Take care and have a happy life with the decision you make. I never make any decision about us and the only decision I make is to love you and be your guardian forever. Goodnight. Tomorrow will be a brand new day for me. This is the time when I realise that you will always stay in my heart but maybe not my life.

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