Thursday 14 February 2013

My Ashley Baby

She is a girl with unique characteristic. Strong character that is very independent, but at the same time stubborn in a good way. In other words, no one can force her to do things she don't like. She never look at money highly and always earn her own living. She has a very kind heart and is very pretty. She is also a very smart woman that is good at speaking and changing things. She can talk to you for hours on her complains and I just like the way she does that. I will never forget.

She has never failed to amused me in many way. And we have both shared many wonderful moments together during the time when we were together. Our faces were once so different than each other but through time, someone looking at you, I saw a reflection of myself and our photos from the video I have posted clearly shows that the beginning and ending has a big different and we both look so alike when time passes by.

I will never ever forget this wonderful girl that creates so much laughter in my life and gives me hope that true love exist. She may hate me now and she may ignore me now but I will respect her and fulfill my wishes and promises to her which I have made earlier. She has never trusted that I will change. She never trusted my love and she even said I do not loved her. But time will proof all this. As time will not only aged us, but also aged my love to you as well. And same like wine, the longer you preserve the wine, the better quality it become. Love is just like wine, the longer you keep it, the stronger it become. My love to you is just like this. It will only get stronger through time and through time, we can proof my loyalty and changes on my true self and characteristic to you.

Whether or not you read my blog, doesn't really matters to me. What matters most to me is the things I said about you here will be forever made available for me to go back and just read thru. It will be like a story book with many chapters in different months of the year. I will never stop writing as long as my hands permits me to do it.

I just hope you will forever be happy with him and if you needed me, like I always say, I will be with you together going thru all your difficult time and pain. I will never leave you alone when you needed me.

I love you always. You can ignore me, you can avoid me, but you can never stop me from loving you.

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