Saturday 16 February 2013

The end of 1st day: Goodnight my love

You didn't reply my message. Maybe you don't want to see me. Maybe you still hated me. Maybe it's because of him that you don't want to see me. Maybe you are not ready to see me. Maybe you are busy with your friends or him. But for whatever reasons you have, I will always respect you. One day, you will find that I am not the guy you think I am. But when that day ever comes, everything else doesn't matter anymore.

I will continue to respect you, love you and care for you. And if you would allow me to send you a single stalk of red roses every morning for the rest of my life, I would. Because I will care for you and always be there for you.

I hope the second day would be better. And I really hope to see you before I leave KL. Not to be reunited with you. But just to see you again.

Goodnight and hope you have a good rest and sleep all the way till morning like you use to when you were with me. Sweet dreams to you too.

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