Saturday 16 February 2013

You didn't reply again

I guess I won't be seeing you again after all. I won't force you. You take care and if you want me to return the stuff to you on the car, just let me know. I will drop it. Sooner or later you will forget me.

I will never forget the feeling you once gave me. It's not about how pretty you are, it's not about how tall or sexy you are, and it's not about how good you are when we were intimate.. It's just the feeling that no one else can give me. The feeling of love. Only you can make me smile again.

I will never forget that feeling. Please take care. Maybe he can give you the freedom that you never had from me, maybe he can give you the trust that you never had from me, maybe he can give you the care that you never had from me, maybe he is far more mature than me, but the feeling of love is never measured this way. All he can give you, in future, I may do the same. But like you said, you only gave me 1 chance. And i screwed that up. And no longer a second chance. I understand. I will take this as a lesson for me never to screw up again in the future. Not even once. True love is measured not by the things you have received or by the things they have done but by feelings you can never get from someone else.

If you feel this in him. Then congratulation. You have found your true love. And I will be happy for you. Maybe I am not your true love. Because true love also never disappear just like this. It will stay with you forever. But nevertheless, since you have found another guy in your life, I will always respect your decision.

There is nothing I can do but to express whatever I think here and hopefully one day, you will realise that I really keep to my promises and not the man you always think I am.

I will love you always.

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