Thursday 28 February 2013

The end of 13th Day - Exciting day

Today is a very exciting and fun day for me. Having mixed with over 40 producers, directors, cameraman in over 20 different countries to cover a real life football match in Shah Alam Stadium. We covered the Malaysia President Cup between Selangor and Terrenganu. Quite a boring match but the feelings with those international participants is just great.

But really tiring at the same time. I hope to be able to share my joy and excitement with you about this. We use to talk about things like this as well. But sharing it here is also the same. As only you might be reading, or might not but I will just share it as well. I played the switcher today and became the director for the live football coverage for 20 mins. It was really a good experience but really funny as well because it was my first time directing and switching the football match in an OB Van provided by ASTRO. I am really happy today and you are the first one I really wanted to share it with.

It has been nearly 10 days since we last message each other. I am trying not to communicate with you anymore and let you lead a normal and happy life with him. And I think, in this regards, I manage to do it. Loving you and not hurting you is my main priority forever after learning the hardest to cope experience and feelings in my life. I will never forget the day we broke up as well and the reasons behind it. Because of the same reason, I manage to wake up stronger than ever and be who I always wanted to be in the future.

I missed you so much now. Feel like hugging you. And really feel like seeing you. I use to hold your hands every time I drive my car. Now sometimes, I just put my hand on the seat next to me and look at it. Because it reminds me of how I always hold your hand. And how you always say "Ni hen Cute, Quo lai and kiss me" Sigh.. Thinking of it, seems like he is the one getting all this attention now. Feel a bit pain and sad in the heart now. But it's ok. I will overcome this slowly but not instantly.

I love you always baby forever and for a thousands years more to come. Please remember to take care of your health and drink more fruit juices ya. See a doctor also when you're free. Good night and sweet dreams.

PS: please allow Ashley baby to come into my dream tonight. I wanted to see son and daughter again tonight in my dream. Love you always.

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