Thursday 14 February 2013

My Wedding Diary 2

I just finish watching this movie with a friend. Throughout the entire movie, we laughed like mad and the movie was really funny. I guess you might have watched this movie with him too. The baby was so so so so cute and looking at how a baby can create a very deep bonding between the mum and dad, I think of us. I think of our future baby if we will have one. It will be super cute and I will be like the Ah Niu in the movie be a house husband who takes care of the baby and house. I think I will be willingly just play with the baby whole day and share the burden with you.

If I hadn't said break up in the last fight, I think you will be right beside me now while I hug you to sleep. And in a months time, we will be engage and get married in 9 months time. After that we will have our own wedding diary called Ashley & Dylan Wedding Diary I. Then when we have baby, it will be called Wedding Diary II. I already can imagine how the diary will look like when it is compiled and produce as a movie itself. From the day we saw each other until the day we get married.

We have gone thru so much in life together, happiness, sadness, painful experience, and if in the end, we both can be together, it will be a long lasting relationship. I have learn not to ask too much from you but instead just be grateful that you love me and be with me. That's all I ever ask if you return. I will not say a word about how less you accompany me, because it is actually the moment that we are together that matters most even if it is just a min or an hour. I will not say a word about how much you keep texting or playing with your phone because your presence itself is considered a blessing and I should be grateful for that too. I will not say a word about how many times you keep going out because even if you are out 7 days a week with your friends, I should feel bless because in the end of the day, you will be back to me no matter what time. I will also not say a word about not trusting you because in a relationship, you must learn to eat up your doubt and trust your partner wholeheartedly. Too bad,

In true love, we must go thru both painful and happy experience, then only we realise how important your love is to you. And in the movie, the last part was family reunion whereby they just agree not to fight with each other and realise that there are things far more important than that. I think of us and all the tiny fights we get into. I feel so stupid.

Nevertheless, no matter how much you ignored my messages or calls, I will still love you because my love to you is unconditional and it is from the purest heart. Looking at our photos now, I will never forget our sweet memories together even though the period is short. We could have done more. But I think god has plans for us. Our path might cross in the future and I hope that I am ready to accept it.

I love you so much. Please trust me that I am not the kind of guy you think I am. I am just a humble guy who loves you so much and unable to let go. I love you always. Valentine Day is over. I will send you the Japan ticket in the next 1 week. It will still be your name. I didn't change it.

Goodnight and sweetdreams.

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