Tuesday 19 February 2013

Our conversation today

Weird day for me today. Busy like mad. And boss rushing me like mad. But suddenly, I receive text message from you. In a way, I have always hope that the messages that came in is from you. And you just made my day.

How can I be happy with another girl. They will remain to me just as friends. How can I even move on so quickly and engage with another new relationship. My words never change. I can have a lot of girls around me, but I will never choose them simply because a large part of my heart is occupy by you and the rest by my family members. Tell me, how can I keep other girls in my heart?

With you, I have special memories I can never forget. The first time we meet, how we talked, how we hang out and how we got together.. With them, it's just introduced from friends. Nothing special at all. And through time now, we are just friends and I am comfortable with them as friends and nothing more. The things that they have done for me, will only be treated by me as kind to me. Nothing more than that. It touches me but not my heart. In order to let me fall in love, you have to first touches my heart. In this sense, you really did well because your first smile to me not only touches my heart but took it away with you. If you can find this feeling elsewhere again, then you find your true love.

For me, it's all over and what remains is just fragments of memories for me to remember and keep forever. Girls, I don't really need them. I am comfortable being alone as long as I have you in my heart and memories that I can take out and think once in a while. My promises to you is still there wherever I go.

I don't know if you are really happily in love with him but I hope you are. You are his girl now. And to be perfectly honest, it breaks my heart just thinking about it. I won't lie to you about this. I feel so much pain just by thinking of you and him. I have to hide this feeling behind my smiling face.

I love you always and take care of yourself.

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