Saturday 16 February 2013

2nd day of recovery

Morning my love.. My stupid rabbit teeth. Sorry. I don't know how to smile properly without you. And my hair, morning wake up hair like chicken. Anyway, good morning!! Had quite a long sleep last night. Around 4 hours ++. I have made improvements since last time. I hope this will go on and gets better.

Today is the second day or the recovery process, I think when it reaches 1000 days and still recovery then will be really bad. I hope it doesn't take until 1000 days for me to fully recover. Later will be heading out to the office to finish my work. I haven't been working properly since the last 4 days and Javad has been calling me so many times. See the number of miscalls from him. I just don't have the mood to answer anyone. Since I am also leaving the office soon. So just be it. But today, I really need to settle all my emails and pending issues. Hope I am not distracted by you again. Keep thinking of you non stop. I wonder if you still feel the same. But guess the feeling is slowly gone. You should, because you are already with him.

I really wonder how are you and him? I think you both must be really happy. I will never break into a relationship and be the 3rd party. Don't worry about that. As long as you are happy then that is the most important. But even if you're not, are you going to share it with me? But I really wish you could share your happiness and also sadness with me. Although I am not part of your life anymore but you still occupy a big part of mine. So I really hope to hear some of your news and feel happy for you.

From you, I have learn not to be too stubborn in love. Let go of it and love you from a distance quietly. That will be the best gift for you and also the best way for me to find peace. Yes, you are right, if you really love a person, you will want to see him/her happy.

Today is a Sunday, I hope you will have a very enjoyable day. 

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