Wednesday 27 February 2013

My family

Half an hour more towards the end of my event today. It runs really well with everything prepared thanks to all the support from my colleague. Mainly, I just want to thank you for giving me the chance to experience true love. It really gives me a lot of strength and courage to move on and to work even harder for my future. Thanks to you my beloved baby.
My family members

Suddenly I would like to show you the photo of my family which we took on Sunday. My mum, dad and my 2 sis and her husband is there as well. And also together with my mum's side brothers and also their wife and children.

They are all my mum's side family members. Big is it. Actually there are a few more that didn't make it to this lunch. You can guess which one is my sister and also my youngest one which looks like a tomboy. Haha. Guess my dad and mum also if you are looking at this blog.

But anyway, can't type more. I really misses you and hope you are happy with your work today. You also will be finishing work soon or maybe busy with OT but just enjoy your life ok. You are meant to be enjoying it. Tonight I will be having dinner with the delegates. After that might have drink with some of the delegates.

I love you always baby. You are my gem in the past, present and also in the future if I ever have the chance to wait for your return. Take care.. Remember to take care of your health and also more fruit juices.

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