Friday 8 February 2013

Jay Chou song - Kuantan

Still remember all the songs I have sang for you in the past? A thousand years, some nights, and the most hilarious one Jay Chou. I sang this while driving your car to Kuantan and overnight with you. We both laughed so much until we are both screaming because of stomach pain. I am smiling and laughing when I thought of this moment. I guess I am really lousy when singing chinese songs.

This were the many wonderful memories that we have created. I don't know if he has already taken over my place completely but if he is, then I will carry this guilt forever for not appreciating you and letting others take you away.

I hope the song I sing still ring some memories and feelings about you to me. You have been with me for so many months, you know how I behave and look like. You know I will never harm you and is loving you so much. I just hope my life would be happier. So that the people around me won't feel sad about me.

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