Saturday 9 February 2013

Ashley Baby - this is for you

Baby (this is how I always used to call you). And I will still call you like this when I write this blog about you. Recalling all the memories about us, bring back laughter and tears to me now. Tears is for the things I have done bad to you and made all this happen.

Laughter is for the funny moments we both had, all the silly and cute moments. I still remember each and everyone of them. The moments we both roll on the bed with our cute faces taking photographs, laughing all the way to Kuantan with Jay Chou songs, making you laugh when you're doing mask, having fun with your doctors names, not to forget our very cute daughter and many many more. We even enjoyed our sex life so so much. The best love is to be able to enjoy every single thing we do everyday. You are indeed my gem that I have never appreciated in the past and to do it now is already too late.

I just want to tell you this, never had a girl that has given me such feelings before in my life and cried so long every time I think of you. Never. I have been betrayed by many girls in the past whom I claim to love but once we broke up, the feelings was never like this. I can walk away easily and although feels painful but I never intend to look back or even to message them and I didn't cry after the moment I left. But you, you have created that special moment and feelings in me that no one ever has.

The reason why I wrote this is because of the ring that has followed me for over 12 years and has protected me. It will protect you when you need it and remind you of the love I have for you. At any time of the day, month and year, your message will bring me back from wherever corner of earth I am, if you needed me. Baby, it will come to a time that you will no longer need all those and son will be kept in your closet and the ring in your drawer as your love and feelings for him grow stronger and steadier or when you get married. If that day ever comes, I hope you can send the ring and son back to me because with me, they will always stay with me and never be abandon. Daughter is always beside me and I hug her everyday.

If you believe I will give up after all the words that you and him send to me, then you are wrong. If you believe that my love to you will just fade away through time, then you are wrong again. And if you believe that I am just a idiot, crazy and insane bastard, this is your opinion on me but not entirely what others think about me. No doubts I don't understand what your intentions are, but you are always the best gf I had and will remain that way.

Take care of your health and do constant medical check up to make sure that your sickness is under control. And please check your back as I am scared that you may have something in it that causes so much pain. I hope the pain is gone now.

I love you so much and the best way is to set you free and stop disturbing you again.

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