Tuesday 12 February 2013

Mirror image of us

In this lifetime, I may not have the chance to be with you again. I may have to wait forever and till the day I die, but for me, the wait is worth it because even after so long, I am still waiting and I will continue to do so. Just simply because I loved you too much to let go of this love. I may have let you go, but not my love to you. It will stay for as long as I live.

If you are reading all this, I just wish that all this memories doesn't stop you from loving another person, because if you truly love someone, then her happiness is all you ever think of.

I love you always and forever. I just can't stop thinking of you. Not even before my sleep or when I wake up. You are just always on my mind. I wonder how you feel about me now? Do you still misses me? I just want to see and feel happiness in your face.

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