Monday 18 February 2013

4th Day of Recovery

Reached office late half an hour. Had a good sleep yesterday. At least first time I can sleep till morning. Guess I am coming back to life again. But when I wake up, I still think of her and look at some of the photos she sent to me. Still misses her so much. Wondering how she is now?

Bought 2 packets of nasi lemak for breakfast. So hungry yesterday night till now. Wanted to head for supper but it was too late.

Anyway, thanks for the photos again and your comments. Really appreciate it a lot. But sadly, I can still feel hatred in it. Guess it will never go off for the time being. But it doesn't really bother me much anymore since I the both of you are together now. I just wish you can be happy with him. Although I really wished that you could understand me more instead of judging me like this. But it's ok, I understand you are also saying the things base on what you see and feel about me. I don't blame you.

Guess I have to forget the Japan trip with you and find an alternative on your side of the ticket. My dream is still to go to there with you and to enjoy a memorable holiday again with you just like in Hong Kong. I missed out the Maldives but guess will again miss out Japan.

My grandma is seriously ill now but is still holding on. I guess waiting for her other son to come back to see her for the last time. There's nothing I can do. So my mum said just work and when there is anything will let me know.

Take care and have a nice day today. Wish that your work and relationship is at the very best for you. And less stress for your work and have a good quarter today. Hope that you can find your new job soon as I know it's hard to work in the same company with him. Please have your medical check if you still have not done it yet.

Love you always..

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