Saturday 16 February 2013

Back to KL at last

Though life will not be easy from now onwards. I will still to face it and embrace it with open heart. Every moment I am still thinking of her and missing her. But the painful feelings are going away slowly. My heart no longer feel so much pain as in the first day she told me about the news of them getting together.

I believe that maybe this is the spirit of true love. The spirit of letting go and allowing her to find happiness instead of being selfish and try to own her. At least no more roller coaster feelings, or feelings like being stab repeatedly. Good sign for a recovery process.

All thanks to you for telling me the good news about you and him. Although I still love you so much but you can be rest assured that things are finally settled down between us. Even if I see post of you and him together, or anything, the most I will feel is a stab in my heart again or a drop from roller coaster. But I think, I will get thru this. No more cursing, no more coming to your house and no more flowers, gifts to you. I will leave all this to your bf now. I only hope you will happy always and forever.

I will be like an angel or guardian. Always watching you. Although you might not share your unhappiness with me, I will still love you and live on. Soon I will be leaving this KL. I just hope can see you a few times for some drinks before I am gone. Things are very clear to me now and it has never been so clear ever since we broke up. I have told you before that once you and him together, I will never disturb you life again. Not in the sense of forcing you to return or asking you to forgive me or saying to you our past and why like this and that. All the questions no longer matter anymore. And it all matters now is how happy you are with him and how am I going to survive the stormy days ahead. So meeting you is just clearly to see you a few more times with no intention.

I will message you about this but if you are not comfortable seeing me. It's totally fine with me. No more forcing you as my character is actually not like this. Unless I am very angry. Sorry about the past. Actually, if you would sit down and talk to me nicely, then we could have resolved all the problems earlier.

I just texted you a moment ago about meeting tonight. Guess no reply from you. It's ok. I won't keep sending messages to you anymore. I will love you always. True love is about giving and not expecting anything back in return. I am giving you my love but I won't expect you to do the same. If you are happy with him and he can makes you smile, then I am happy. Update me if you can about your life with him. It will make me feel better. Don't worry about me, I won't be angry at you for doing this to me. It's all over now. What lies ahead is the most important. And that will be your happiness. You have a great night later.

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