Wednesday 20 February 2013

6th Day of Recovery

I am really exhausted now. I feel like exploding and bursting. Where is my love and support? I need your support now at this time. Relationship, family, work, friends, all not in a balance line.

My work has been so busy since yesterday and today. I need to go back to my grandma funeral!!!! Will have to keep rushing my work and hopefully it can be done at the end of the day. While doing my work, I still keep thinking of you and once in a while in the office, I will take out our photo and just look at it. It makes me smile sometimes just looking at how sweet and playful we are when we take the photos in my room. I miss that feeling so much.

You must be busy with your work too and fighting your sales target. You will be able to achieve it. I have full confidence in you. Gambatte my love!! You are strong and never give up. Make sure at least you hit a quarter before you leave and show to them that you are a fighter and not somebody who will give up so quick. I will always support you quietly through this blog.

And your health, I hope nothing serious or any complications on your health. Hope that things are going fine for you and that you are happy and smiling always. Hope that he is treating you really good and you both are lovingly together.

I miss you so much and soon, we might not have any chance to see each other. But nevertheless, I will always pray for you and your family and love you from a distance. Love is never selfish. As long as you are happy, I will be happy for you.

Take care my baby. I love you always and forever.

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