Friday 15 February 2013

How can i survive without her?

I thought my heart would have let go once I know she got a new bf. But little did I know that actually I can't.. She has moved on. Leaving me struggling to survive on the broken pieces of my heart. How can I ever forgive myself for letting the girl I loved so much slip away because of things that I actually should have done and change for her earlier.

It is already too late now. No matter what I do now will never get her back. She will forget me thru time. Forget our love. Forget all our affections, memories will still be there, but the love and miss feelings gone. Even if we bump into each other in the future, I don't know what to say to her. I am sure I will love her still. But she might treat me as a stranger or just someone whom she once knew..

Please someone stop my tears from keep rolling down. It has been so many hours and it never stop. Someone please stop my heart from bleeding. I don't know how long I can continue like this. I will be in depression soon.

I don't know how much it will help me by typing and writing like this. It doesn't seem to end. I can only see darkness still and no light at all. I am trapped in a tunnel which has explode. Leaving all the pieces of rock blocking my exit and the lightness that once shun inside. I have no escape. I tried in the last 7 weeks trying to dig another path out from the tunnel, but no matter how hard I try, I fail to find light.

God, if you are still around, where is the miracle that you once showed me? Can you show me again? Before I collapse. I really feel so much pain that I feel like just swallowing all the panadols and get away with it.

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