Monday 11 February 2013

3rd day of CNY and 2 days to Valentine - Daughter is always with me

Good morning to you from me and daughter. Behind that smile actually lies a thousand pieces of broken heart. No doubt this year was the worst ever for me for CNY and Valentine. Even last year when I am single during this 2 occasions, I felt so happy just hanging out with friends and enjoying my vacation. But this year is really different. Meeting you on the bus really change my life completely and how I look at love. I never acted like this before in the past. Maybe because I haven't really find the girl I truly love. Never starting in this relationship wouldn't even hurt me because at least I know I can't get your heart. But fate has brought us together in the first place and we were together in such a short time. I don't know how to explain this but love.

It's nearly 7 weeks now I guess, and still counting to the days when you were gone. It looks like a short period of time but actually even 1 day is unbearable for me. Valentine is fast approaching and I am going to be looking at couples holding hands, kissing, hugging and wondering how would you celebrate yours with him. We have never celebrated Valentine before. Nor Chinese New Year together. Days are actually nothing when 2 persons are in love. Everyday is Valentine Day and everyday is a meaningful day for the both of us. How I wish you can just be part of my life again. One day, I hope god will see my sincerity and the the true affection I have for you. I really hope that one day will come. Until then, I will continue to do the things I do everyday. Writing messages to you thru here and hoping that you would open it and read. Even if you don't, my blog is never wasted. Because it can be read over and over again by myself.

Thru this period of time, I have learn so many things in life about love, about the delicacy of life itself, about how fragile our heart is and how short life can be. Just after we broke up, I received news that my friend got into a serious car accident and pass away, my grandma got hospitalised, my boss John got removed and there is no director now in my office, both Javad and John seeking legal action against each other and involving the team, me, Cai and JY will have to appear in court even after I leave my company. I have eventually learn that appreciating others is not enough, we must know what they want and just fulfill their wishes and always learn to trust even if there is doubt. Unless things happens repeatedly and you see it for yourself. Otherwise, trust that things will always happen for a reason and always believe that the reason behind it is good. Negative thoughts will always lead to disaster. Realising all this is really just too late for me because I can't salvage or repair our relationship anymore when there is already someone else in your heart.

Having said all this things over and over again. I just wish she can be happy and whenever she needed me, I will always be here for here. Fulfilling my promises. And I am missing both her, son and my ring so much. There is not a single day when I am not touching my finger that once wore the ring. And it always reminds me of her. No other girl in this world can replace her and steal my heart away again because there is nothing left to steal. It's all with her. My heart and my life.

I love you baby, and if there is a day when you return to me, I can tell you that it will never be the same as I will fulfill all my promises and never bully you or hurt you again. Life would just be the best for us. A little happy photo of us that steals the moment away.

This photo of us taken in Hong Kong. We both look so cute and the best is that actually we both look alike in a way. People say that when 2 person are in love, our faces will blend into each other creating a mirror image of us. Imagine how our kids will look like. Cute princess and prince. Baby, how I really wish time can be reversed and allow me to repair all the damages and give you a happy life for the rest of your life.

I really missed you so much. Your laughter, your complains about jobs, playing around with you on the bed, hugging you and all the small little things we do. I really misses it all.

I hope you have fun in Singapore and your friends back here in KL. You said they have arranged many activities. I hope you will enjoy every moment with them and him. I love you so much. Take care and stay healthy. 

Have a lovely Valentine and hope you are as happy as what you said in your messages.

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