Tuesday 5 February 2013

First day in Bali & memories

I reach Bali around 3.30 and was greeted by the local television staff and my dear colleagues at the airport. Got quite a VIP greeting as usual. I really like my job in this regards. They treated me well and brought me to a sumptuous tea time. After that they fetch me back to the hotel and we met with the General Manager and also the Marketing and Sales Director, F&B Director and some staff. We had a grand tour of the hotel covering all the places. They have a fantastic swimming pool, great conference room and we have selected the secretariat and meeting rooms as well. We visited the beach and we had a long talk and finally they lead me to my room. This is where i got my surprise. I got an upgrade to Lagoon Access Suite which is really nice. I have uploaded some photos below.

The hotel staff and Indonesia colleagues joke at me and say why I didn't bring anybody here. They purposely gave me a big room with lagoon access and offered a free honeymoon candlelight dinner outside the beach specially for me. Suddenly I feel very sad. I wish to tell them that my ex gf once stayed at this hotel and I once ordered a bouquet of roses for her before. Because during that time, they had no flowers internally and had to send someone out to the market to get them. I force them to do so saying that it is urgent and I needed it. Use up a lot of my time to convince them to do it in a few hours. But finally they manage to put things up for me and send the flower. Wherever I go, images of you never fail to haunt me.

How I really wish you could join me in all my trips. Be the girl that can support me in my career. And let me take care of you. I know you are a career woman. I never stopped you. But now, even doing that seems impossible for me. I really misses you. I am thinking of just forfeiting all my money that I have paid for the Maldives and just stay back at home. I am scared that I will be depressed in Maldives. Still considering. It's a lot of money to lose. But better than crying all alone in Maldives later thinking of the valentine you will spend with him. I can't do much about this. Right now, I just hope I can reduce your hate on me and hope you understand that this is all love and not crazy or insane guy. I am really sorry if I make you think that way about me. But I really not that kind of guy. I am just very much in love with you.

I have taken some photos with daughter and madagascar son. Will post it up in my next post later. They are my only companion now. And only them sees me crying every night to sleep and only them are the one that really be there for me. No one else will know how much pain and suffering I am going thru at the moment. I just wish that you could lift up that pain for me.

You must be with him now probably having dinner. Guess you must be really happy with his companion. I misses the time when I fetch you after work, and all your complains and then just go back home messing around. I really misses those time. I really wish god can turn back the clock for me. But of course, it's impossible now. Only you have the power to reverse time and to change the entire situation. Only you baby. My entire lifetime happiness is in your hand. I will wait and will keep waiting. But I will not disturb your life for now and the next few months or years. This blog will be the only place for me to write to you indirectly. It is entirely up to you if you want to read it or just happily be with him. I have no place to write everything I wanted to share with you. I never appreciated you in the past. This is what I deserve. Eternal sufferings and pain. I love you baby. Make sure you are happy and make sure that he is the right guy for you. Never gave away yourself for the person whom you do not love. Remember this. I will always be here when you need me. Anytime. Take care.


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